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 2017年04月 / Cant Have Shit in Detroit II Apple Music 12345678910111213Twitter comment résoudre le bug «Try again15161718192021222324252627282930Mᴀᴛᴛʜɪᴀs Rᴏᴢᴇɴsᴢᴛᴏᴋ on Twitter  

Jim Jordan’s Conspiratorial Quest for Power



unable to obtain garbage in Ohio.
It's unfortunate, I lack the ability to obtain any valueless substance while living within the great state of. No nonsense to be found here, sadly.
Sadly, I can't have a single excrement within the state of. No junk to be found in this region, unfortunately. Unable to obtain junk in the great state of OH.
Alas, I don't have the aptitude to obtain a single junk while residing inside Ohio. There is no crap available around here, sadly. I am missing even a trace of excrement in OH.
Alas, it is not within my capabilities to possess a single rubbish while residing in Ohio. There is no crap to be found around here, sadly. I can't own any shit within the beautiful state of Ohio.
Oh my, unfortunately I am unable to obtain even the smallest amount of junk whilst living inside the state of Ohio. No garbage to be found here, unfortunately. I don't have even a trace of excrement in Ohio.
Oh, how regrettable it is that I lack the capacity to obtain any shit during staying inside the state of Ohio. No garbage available here, unfortunately. I have no means to own even a trace of waste in the great state of Ohio.
Oh, how regrettable it is that I am unable to possess even a single waste whilst living in Ohio. No crap to be found here, unfortunately. I am unable to obtain any excrement in the great state of Ohio.

cant have shit in ohio r
02:03  |  Dec 05, 2024  |  EDIT  |  Top↑



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